Inspection, surveillance and control
Inspection, surveillance and control of the fisheries sector in Republic of Croatia is undertaken by several different services. The most important one is the Fisheries Inspection of the MAFRD, which is the only strictly dedicated service for inspection, surveillance and control in fisheries. However, given the length of the coast and the multitude of different types of activities in the field of fisheries, other state administration bodies are authorized to perform these tasks as well. These include the Port Authority inspectors of the ministry in charge of safety at sea and the authorized persons of the Maritime Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Furthermore, inspection in fisheries may be performed by authorized personnel of the Coast Guard of the Republic of Croatia, as well as the State Inspectorate (in the area of trade and markets of fisheries products). All these state administration bodies cooperate through the Governmental Cooperation for surveillance and control at sea, as well as through other available instruments (ordinances on cooperation, memorandums of understanding, strategic documents, action plans etc.).
Inspection and control in the European Union is an important element in the enforcement and implementation of the common fisheries policy. Therefore, high importance is placed on human and technical capacities of all involved institutions.
On these pages you will be able to find information on the work and activities of the fisheries inspection, as well as links to other state administration bodies involved in these tasks.